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guided journals by katie clemons

I want to inspire connection, kindness, empowerment, and joy—

One story, one moment at a time through my storycatching content and products.

Howdy! I'm Katie, and I love making press a priority. Let’s chat!
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Howdy! I’m Katie Clemons, and I help folks celebrate their stories. I’m the author of many wildly sought story prompting journals and products for the whole family. My superpower is asking meaningful questions. My passion is empowering and connecting families.

I create easy-to-use, story prompting products for the whole family because I believe that a person’s story is one of the most meaningful gifts they can give themselves and the people they love.

Sometimes a powerful conversation only needs a spark of inspiration. And that’s where I come in.

Download my one-page press sheet for easy reference.

My mission—Let’s celebrate your story!—began in elementary school when I craved a consistent, fun way to capture and write my stories. I found some success, though it mostly resulted in a shoe box of half-written, uninspiring diaries.

In Summer 2009, I resolved to attempt something I never thought I’d be able to achieve: I was going to fly an airplane. I started noticing that there were no other women stepping into the pilot’s seat. It was all men! I began wondering about the women sitting in the co-pilot seats—what were their dreams? Their stories? Their superpowers?

Meanwhile, my grandma had just turned 90. We were invited to record her stories on NPR’s StoryCorp traveling bus. NPR hit record, and my grandma and I sadly realized she’d forgotten the things in her life that we all swear we’ll always remember. My grandma told me: “I should have written them down, Katie.”

Aha! I knew what I was called to create. And I bet that’s why you’re here!

  • I built my own home inside an airplane hangar in rural Montana (and shared it on HGTV!).
  • I’ve pinpointed the three barriers that prevent people from successfully journaling.
  • My first journals were handmade. I began selling them on Etsy in 2009. Then I self-published four journals. Two became #1 Amazon Bestsellers.
  • I earned my private pilot’s license—something I never believed possible! I still remember the scariest and proudest moments of my life happening in that cockpit.
  • I graduated cum laude in English Creative Writing from Hollins University (a private women’s college in Virginia) and completed a Business Management degree at The University of Montana. It took me 4.5 years and a lot of professors emphasizing right and left brain studies could never be intermixed.
  • My young children are the end of my rainbow. My parenting priorities are kindness, creativity, gratitude, and a willingness to bravely be yourself.
  • For a while, my closest friends and I didn’t share a common language. They were from Russia, Poland, Vietnam, India, and Italy. We were studying German at the adult education program in Berlin, Germany and spent hours stumbling through conversation with excessive hand gestures. Their stories transformed me and my work.
  • My favorite summer job? Girl Scout Camp Counselor in the Bob Marshal Wilderness for 8-12 year olds.
  • I can pinpoint specific moments where journaling has made me more grateful, joyful, and self confident. Plus I’ll never forget the smells of incense or chocolate and churros during Holy Week in Spain.
  • As a creative female entrepreneur, I always encourage folks to find something so huge, scary, and unrelated to their work—something they’re certain they can’t accomplish—and then go do it. When you find your moment of achievement, you realize the sky is the limit. And for me, that lesson literally came 600 feet above the ground when I had to land a plane by myself.

Adult-Child Journaling Blurbs by Katie

I hope that parents will journal with their children, because we all know our years with them are brief. Writing back and forth nurtures the deep, soulful connection we all crave. As simple and insignificant as each entry may seem, they add up. A shared experience here, a memory there—they become the moments that end up mattering most.

A shared journal is a nightlight as we navigate toward a deeper connection with our kids.

Our hectic schedules make it easy to walk through the hall and completely miss a child’s closed door. Keeping a journal encourages us to slow down and be more aware of what our children—and we!—are experiencing. Some entries in my parent-child journals address things that you already know; others can help you discover emotions or entire stories that you weren’t aware of.

Sharing a journal with your child gives you both a peek inside one another heads and hearts.

Sharing our stories and experiences across generations can be hard, but my journals offer an inventive, lively way for us to draw closer as we share adventures, interests, memories, and unique perspectives that lead to a more fulfilling relationship.

A parent-child journal encapsulates reminders of how much you and your child love each other.

I have found—as have countless other parents—that keeping a parent-child journal helps us become more conscious and confident, especially when schedules are full and life feels hectic. Writing prompts offer an accessible tool that urges us to ask questions and be more aware of what our children—and we—are experiencing.

I want my journals to enable parents and their kids to share stories, daydreams, and adventures and to try and understand each other’s points of view.

It’s astonishing how the simple act of parent-child journaling can so thoroughly affect us! I believe that when we read a journal entry from one another and slip back on our own shoes, we change. We gain greater understanding, more patience, and deeper empathy.

You will never regret journaling with a child. Stories are the nightlight when you’re looking for deeper connection.

I began writing the first parent-child journal when I envisioned the family time capsule that I’d love to have, and I realized I probably wasn’t alone. Imagine opening a journal in ten or twenty years with your now-grown child. You’ll see pages filled with stories and perspectives, youthful penmanship recording moments you haven’t thought about in years, photographs, illustrations, and most of all … reminders of how much you love each other.


Our kids don’t care if we make brownies from scratch, use a mix, or buy them pre-made. They just want us to us to love them, listen to them, and model what we know. I have found that a shared journal is the easiest, most powerful way to draw closer to a child you love. As you answer prompts that make you laugh, reflect on each other’s lives, or invite conversations on deeper issues, you and your child build a richer relationship.